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Employer Resources

Virtual Tour of Services for Employers

Click here for the virtual map tour and information of the services available for employers in the North Bay area.

Resource Library

The North Bay Works Human Resource Support Employer Resource Library has been developed by the program’s consulting team, Trois Collective. This resource contains a collection of content categorized into five easy to navigate categories.

To access these helpful resources, simply complete the form and choose the content you would like to receive. 

Smart Strategies: Recruitment Strategies & Effective Performance Management

This presentation, hosted as part of the North Bay Works Human Resource Support Program, aimed to provide an interactive resource to help employers enhance recruiting strategies and performance management.  The sessions were delivered by HR consultants, TROIS Collective. 

The videos feature the paired down content of two key topics: Recruitment Strategies and Effective Performance Management. 

Access the supporting materials provided during the presentation below:

Step 1

Recruitment Planning

Step 2

Executing Recruitment

Step 3

Hiring and Onboarding

Step 4

Performance Management


These videos are part of the North Bay Works Human Resource Support Program, an initiative designed to provide customized human resources assistance to local businesses. The program included two 90-minute presentations – Smart Strategies:  Recruitment Planning & Effective Performance Management, March 7, 2024.

Event Location: North Bay, ON

About the Presenters, TROIS Collective:

Founded by Jasmine Cumberland and Isabelle Morin, a consulting team located in Toronto, Ontario, who are driven, empathetic, dedicated, and caring professionals who have a depth and breadth of experience in Human Resources having worked both together and independently at organizations ranging from Series A startup to Fortune 50 companies across Canada.

Isabelle is a CPA, CA, and Jasmine holds a master’s degree in law and is an internationally accredited coach.

Employment Funding Resources

Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) provides opportunities for employers to invest in their workforce, with help from the government.

For more information, contact YES Employment Phone: 705-476-3234 E-mail:

Youth Internships for the private sector are applied for through the Community Futures Program.  If you are interested in hiring an intern for one-year and would like to receive 50% towards the wages of the intern, call NECO CFDC for more information and the application.

A few highlights of the program include: the intern must be under the age of 30 and be a recent graduate from a post-secondary institution (within the last three years), eligible activities must be project-based and fall under Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables.

Call Patti at NECO for more information: 705-476-8822 ext 100 or email

The People & Talent Program is designed to attract, retain and develop Northern Ontario’s workforce. For more information, contact The City of North Bay Economic Development Department 705-474-0400 ext. 2417

The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program is a specialized program in high school that allows you to explore apprenticeship and consider careers in the skilled trades, generally starting in Grade 11 or Grade 12 through the cooperative education program.

For additional information about job posting platforms, please view the following document: Employment Resources Local Listings and Website Listings

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