Development Support | City of North Bay Economic Development
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Development Support

For detailed information and rate details, explore the Development Charges section on the City of North Bay's website. Successful development is the result of thorough planning. From selecting the ideal site to reviewing development applications, our dedicated team is ready to guide you through the development journey.  We work closely with utility partners, and local approval authorities to ensure you have access to the necessary resources.

North Bay's City Council has eliminated industrial development charges, reflecting our commitment to fostering business growth.



Development Process

To expedite the development process, the City of North Bay has the Development Application Review Team, known as DART. The DART team consists of representatives from internal city departments and several external agencies that contribute to the approval process. Representatives from the local Conservation Authority, North Bay Hydro, the Ministry of Transportation, and the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Protection collaborate with city staff to review proposals and create a single point of access.

We hold bi-weekly meetings to assess all development applications, including Site Plan Control Agreements, Committee of Adjustment Applications, Official Plan Amendments, Rezoning, Subdivision, and Condominium Applications. This group will meet with applicants for pre consultation.

For information on development, download our Development Handbook or contact a member of our team today.

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